Quaternary Volcanoes
Short and uniform information of all Quaternary volcanoes (ca. 2.6 Ma to the present), including active volcanoes
Active Volcanoes
Detailed information of volcanoes which have erupted within the past 10,000 years or with vigorous fumarolic activity
Geologic Map of Volcanoes in Japan (1:200,000) (in Japanese)
Digital geologic map of all terrastrial Quaternary volcanoes in Japanese Islands
Large-scale Eruption Database (in Japanese)
Characteristics, sequences, long-term and short-term precursors, and post-caldera activities of caldera-forming eruptions
Eruption Sequence Database (in Japanese)
Time-sequence of pyroclastic eruptions larger than VEI 5 compiled based on the observation records
Volcanic Ash Database
Database for the microscopic images of volcanic ash particles of representative volcanoes in Japan and world
Distribution Map of Large-volume Ignimbrites (in Japanese)
Distribution information of large-volume ignimbrite and associated tephra fall deposits derived from caldera-forming large-scale eruptions
Last modified on 20 Dec 2024 |
First created on 10 May 2013 |
update history (in Japanese)
National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) |
For First Time Users,
The contents of the database were obtained from the published and unpublished results of scientific
researches of individuals and organizations engaged in geological research of Japan.
CAUTION (03 Oct 2016)
Most material on this database is licensed under
the Government of Japan Standard Terms and Conditions.Some photos and figures are copyrighted ones of persons or organizations other than GSJ.
They are not under the above licence. If you want to know the material was under the licence or not,
please contact us.
Geological Survey of Japan, AIST