日本の火山 > 第四紀火山 > 個別火山 > 画像集 > 画像
Volcanoes of Japan > Quaternary Volcanoes > Volcano > Photo Gallery > Image

日光白根火山群 ______ Nikko Shirane Volcano Group

白根山山頂付近の火口分布図。赤線は火口縁、a~o は火口名。火口 a は1873年及び1889~90年噴火、火口 e 及び f は1649年噴火、火口 b~d は7~8世紀及び12世紀の噴火、それぞれに対応する可能性が高い。火口 i 及び j は白根権現火砕堆積物を噴出した火口。

作 成
草野有紀・及川輝樹・石塚吉浩・石塚 治・山元孝広(2022)日光白根及び三岳火山地質図。火山地質図、no.22。
Distribution of the craters around the summit of Mt. Shirane. Individual crater rims are outlined in red and identified with letters ("a" to "o"). Crater "a" formed by the 1873 eruption and was the eruptive center of the 1889–90 eruption. Crater "e" and "f" formed by the 1649 eruption. Crater "b", "c" and "d" probably formed by the 7–8th century and the 12th century eruptions. Crater "i" and "j" formed by the eruption of Shirane-gon'gen Pyroclastic Deposit.
Map courtesy of
Y. Kusano
