日本の火山 > 第四紀火山 > 個別火山 > 画像集 > 画像
Volcanoes of Japan > Quaternary Volcanoes > Volcano > Photo Gallery > Image

上廊下 ______ Kaminoroka
作 成
中野 俊
原山 智・高橋 浩・中野 俊・苅谷愛彦・駒澤正夫(2000)立山地域の地質。地域地質研究報告(5万分の1地質図幅)、地質調査所、218p.、第80図に加筆修正。
Distribution of Kaminoroka Volcanic Rocks (indicated by blue in the center). The Kaminoroka Volcanic Rocks are located at the center of Northern Alps (which belongs to Japan Alps) and are also positioned halfway between Tateyama Volcano (indicated by dotted, hatched, and meshed pattern) and Washiba-Kumonotaia Volcano (green colored). The Kaminoroka Volcanic Rocks are composed of Sugonokkoshi andesite (in the northern side of Yakushidake), Yomiurishindo andesite (in the northeastern side of Akaushidake) and Yakushimidaira dacite (in the northwestern side of Akaushidake).
Map courtesy of
S. Nakano
