日本の火山 > 第四紀火山 > 個別火山 > 画像集 > 画像
Volcanoes of Japan > Quaternary Volcanoes > Volcano > Photo Gallery > Image

択捉焼山 ______ Etorofu Yakeyama (Ivan Grozny)
図中の番号1:Tebenkov Volcano、2:Machekh Crater、3:Groznyi Dome(焼山溶岩ドーム)、4:Drakon Dome(烏帽子山)、5〜7:溶岩ドーム、8:Ermak Dome、9:Ermak Cone
Gorshkov, G.S. (1970) Volcanism and the upper mantle: investigations in the Kurile Island Arc. Plenum Press, New York-London, Fig.63
Geomorphological map of Groznyi Group. 1: extrusive domes; 2: pyroclastic and mud flows. Volcano names; 1: Tebekov Volcano; 2: Machekh Crater; 3: Groznyi Dome; 4: Drakon Dome; 5: small extrusive dome between Groznyi and Drakon Domes; 6: large extrusive dome at foot of Drakon; 7: small extrusive dome in the valley of Monogoozernyi Creek; 8: Ermak Dome; 9:Ermak Volcano.
