日本の火山 > 第四紀火山 > 個別火山 > 画像集 > 画像
Volcanoes of Japan > Quaternary Volcanoes > Volcano > Photo Gallery > Image

三宅島 ______ Miyake Jima
撮 影
須藤 茂
参考:須藤 茂(1983)地質ニュース、no.352、表紙。
Oblique aerial view of southern part of Miyake-jima, one day after the eruption of Oct. 3, 1983. During the eruption, ring-shaped hydroclastic Nippana cone formed during the eruption in the foreground. Shinmyo-ike explosion craters formed at southern end of 4 km-long fissure in the back.
Photo by
S. Suto,
Oct. 4, 1983
