Zao Volcano
1: Introduction - 2: Overview of geology for Zao Volcano and surrounding area
3: Topography of Zao Volcano
4: Eruptive history of Zao Volcano
5: Eruptions during historic times
6: Petrological characteristics of rocks of Zao Volcano - 7: Recent conditions - 8: Observation system for volcanic activities
9: Notes on volcanic hazard in the future
Acknowledgements / Reference
Acknowledgements / Reference
In preparing this geological map, the research results of the students working on Zao Volcano as their graduate, master’s thesis, and Ph.D. theses in Yamagata University were quite valuable. Professors Hiroshi Yagi, Mitsuhiro Nakagawa, Shintaro Hayashi, Tsukasa Oba, and Akihiko Fujinawa offered valuable advice. Professor Takeshi Nishimura provided drilling samples, and Professors Satoshi Miura and Tomotsugu Demachi provided information on observational systems. The prefectures of Yamagata and Miyagi provided permission to survey national parks. We would like to extend our sincere thanks to all who assisted in this research.
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* English translation from the original written in Japanese