Miyakejima Volcano
1: Introduction / 2: Topography of Miyakejima Volcano
3: History of eruptions of Miyakejima Volcano
4: Eruption of 2000 and collapse of the summit
5: Rocks of the Miyakejima Volcano
6: Possible future activities and hazard prediction / 7: Observation and monitoring
Those related to history of eruptions, geology, and rocks
Kawanabe, Y., Tsukui, M. and Niihori, K. ( 2002 ) 14C age of the Haccyotaira eruption. Prog. Abst. Volc. Soc. Japan, no. 2, p. 126 ( in Japanese ).
Machida, H. and Arai, F. ( 2003 ) Atlas of Tephra in and around Japan. University of Tokyo Press, 336p ( in Japanese ).
Omori, F. ( 1915 ) Report of Miyakejima eruptions. Reports of the Imperial Earthquake Investigation Committee ),no.7,p.57-62 ( in Japanese ).
Isshiki, N. ( 1956 ) Explanatory text of the geological map of Japan, scale 1:50,000, “Miyake-jima”. Geological Survey of Japan, 85p (in Japanese with English abstract).
Tokyo Council of Disaster Prevention ( 1990 ) Report on the survey and research of characteristic features of volcanic eruptions in Izu Islands ( Miyakejima Volume ), 103p ( in Japanese ).
Geographical Survey Institute ( 1998 ) Crustal deformation in the Miyakejima Island. Report of Coordinating Committee for Prediction of Volcanic Eruption. no.69, p.77-81 ( in Japanese ).
Geographical Survey Institute ( 1995 ) Land Condition Map of Volcano, Miyakezima ( in Japanese ).
Tsukui M. and Suzuki, Y.( 1998 )Eruptive history of Miyakejima volcano during the last 7000 years. Bull. Volc. Soc. Japan, vol.43, p.149-166 ( in Japanese with English abstract ).
Those related to 1940 eruptions
Tsuya, H. ( 1941a ) Preliminary report on Miyakejima eruption of July 1940 ( 15th year of Showa ), Jour. Seismol. Soc. Japan, vol. 12, p. 435-484 ( in Japanese ).
Tsuya, H. ( 1941b ) Report on the second survey of Miyakejima eruption, July 1940 (15th year of Showa ) (I), (II), Jour. Seismol. Soc. Japan, vol. 13, p. 1-21, p. 37-48 ( in Japanese ).
Those related to 1952 eruptions
Matsuda, T. and Morimoto, R. ( 1962 ) Eruptions of Miyakejima − August 1962, Kagaku, vol. 32, p.578-585 ( in Japanese ).
Japan Meteorological Agency ( 1964 ) The Eruption of Miyakejima in 1962 (I), (II), (III). Quarterly Jour. Seismol., vol. 28, Supplementary Volume, p. 1-28 ( in Japanese with English abstract ).
Those related to 1983 eruptions
Hamada, T. ( 1984 ) Report for designated study project of 57th and 58th years of Showa. Changes in natural environment of volcanic island with special references to mutual relationships between the environment and man’s activities. A systematic analysis with focus on volcanic activities of Miyakejima in 58th year of Showa. 93p. +36 plates ( in Japanese ).
Seismological and Volcanological Department, J. M. A., Miyakejima Weather Station and Meteorological Research Institute ( 1984 ) Report on the eruption of Miyakejima, 1983. Quarterly Jour. Seismol., vol. 49, p. 1-47 ( in Japanese with English abstract).
Miyazaki, T. ( 1984 ) Features of historical eruptions at Miyake-jima volcano. Bull. Volcanol. Soc. Japan, vol. 29, p. S1-15 ( in Japanese with English abstract ).
Hayakawa, Y., Aramaki, S., Shirao, M., Kobayashi, T., Tokuda, Y., Tsukui, M., Kato, T., Takada, A., Koyaguchi, T., Koyama, M., Fujii, T., Oshima, O., Soya, T. and Uto, K. ( 1984 ) Pryoclastic fall deposits of the October 3-4, 1983, eruption of Miyakejima volcano. Bull. Volcanol. Soc. Japan, vol. 29, p. S208-220 ( in Japanese with English abstract ).
Volcanological Society of Japan ( 1984 ) Bull. Volcanol. Soc. Japan, vol.29, Special Issue, The 1983 eruption of Miyakejima, 352p ( in Japanese with English abstract ).
Those related to 2000 eruption
Kaidzu, M., Nishimura, T., Murakami, M., Ozawa, S., Sagiya, T., Yarai, H. and Imakiire, T. ( 2000 ) Crustal deformation associated with crustal activities in the northern Izu-Islands area during thee summer, 2000. Earth Planets and Space, vol. 52, no. 8, ix-xviii.
Nakada, S., Nagai, M., Yasuda, A., Shimano, T., Geshi, N., Ohno, M., Akimasa, T., Kaneko, T. and Fujii, T. (2001) Chronology of the Miyakejima 2000 eruption : Characteristics of summit collapsed crater and eruption products. Jour. Geogr., vol. 110, p. 168-180 ( in Japanese with English abstract ).
Sakai, S., Yamada, T., Ide, S., Mochizuki, M., Shiobara, H., Urabe, T., Hirata, N., Shinohara, M., Kanazawa, T., Nishizawa, A., Fujie, G. and Mikada, H. ( 2001 ) Magma migration from the point of view of seismic activity in the volcanism of Miyake-jima Island in 2000. Jour. Geogr., vol. 110, p. 145-155 ( in Japanese with English abstract ).
Tsukui, M., Niihori, K. and Kawanabe, Y.( 2001 )The 2000 AD subsidence caldera at Miyakejima volcano, Izu Arc, Japan. Bull. Earthq. Res. Inst., vol. 77, p. 27-42 ( in Japanese with English abstract ).
Tsukui, M., Niihori, K., Kawanabe, Y. and Suzuki, Y. ( 2001 ) Stratigraphy and formation of Miyakejima volcano. Jour. Geogr., vol. 110, p. 156-167 ( in Japanese with English abstract ).
Uto, K., Kazahaya, K., Saito, G., Itoh, J., Takada, A., Kawanabe, Y., Hoshizumi, H., Yamamoto, T., Miyagi, I., Tomiya, A., Satoh, H., Hamazaki, S. and Shinohara, H. ( 2001 ) Magma ascending model of 2000 Miyakejima eruptions : Evidence from pyroclastics of August 18 and SO2-rich volcanic gas. Jour. Geogr., vol. 110, p. 156-167 ( in Japanese with English abstract ).