Sakurajima Volcano - 2nd Edition -
Introduction / Geology of the Area around Sakurajima Volcano / Summary of the Topography and Geology of Sakurajima Volcano
Eruption History of Sakurajima Volcano
Historical Eruptions
Volcanic Rocks of Sakurajima Volcano
Monitoring and Observation of Volcanic Activity / Forecasting of Future Activity
Appendix: Revisions from First Edition
Appendix: Revisions from First Edition
1) Added the Heisei Pyroclastic Cone formed by volcanic activity beginning in 2006 AD.
2) The distribution of Taisho I, II Lavas and their secondary lavas have been identified, and revised based on unpublished material by Sasaki.
3) The legend was changed to note that the An-ei Islands off the northeast coast were not created by submerging of a subaerial lava flow but by a submarine eruption (Kobayashi, 2009).
4) The distribution of Bunmei lava on the southwest and south-southeast slope of Minamidake was added. To facilitate the change, the data on southwest slope was referenced from Miki et al. (2012) and the data on the south-southeast slope was referenced from Takahashi et al. (2011).
5) Changed the Nabeyama Pyroclastic Cone and Nagasaki-hana Lava from the Tenpyo-Hoji eruption to the ejecta from the Tenpyo-Hoji eruption based on Kobayashi (1982), Okuno et al. (1998) and Miki (1999).
6) The stratigraphy of Minamidake volcanic ejecta were modified as in appended Table 1. The eruption age of the Ohira Lava (950 AD) is taken from Kobayashi et al. (2009) and Miki et al. (2012). The eruption age of the Nakadake Lava and Pyroclastic Rocks (1200 AD) is taken from Kobayashi (2010).
7) The distribution of the Take Pyroclastic Flow Deposit based on Kobayashi (1988) was added.
8) Added that the Harutayama and Yunodaira Pumice Cones were formed from lava (Kobayashi, 1988; Uto et al., 1999) and that the lava that formed Harutayama, Yunodaira and Furihatayama share the same chemical composition. Since these are topographically continuous, these have been revised to be referred to as a group as the Harutayama Lava.