Fuji Volcano
1: Introduction - 2: Overview of Geological Features - 3: Previous studies
4: Geological descriptions
5: Petrological characteristics of the eruption products - 6: Conclusions
Acknowledgements / References
Acknowledgements / References
The following organizations concerned gave convenience to us for the field works: Fuji Sabo Office of Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, Kanto Regional Environment Office of Ministry of the Environment, Cultural Affairs Agency, Kanto Regional Forest Office of Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Fuji-Toubu Forestry and Environment Office of Yamanashi Prefectural Government, Fujinomiya Cty, Fuji City, Gotemba City, Fujiyoshida City, Oshino Village, Narusawa Village, Fujiyoshida City and Two Other Villages Organization for the Protection of the Prefectural Estates Given by the Imperial Family, Narusawa and Fujikawaguchiko Organization for the Protection of the Prefectural Estates Given by the Imperial Family, Fuji School and Camp Kita-Fuji of Ground Self-Defense Force, Fujisan Hongu Sengen Taisha Shrine, Mount Fuji Research Institute of Yamanashi Prefectural Government, Asagiri Jamboree Golf Club, Fuji Classic Golf Course.
We had the following companies cooperate in the field works: Asia Air Survey Co., Ltd., Dia Consultants Co., Ltd., OYO Corporation, Nippon Koei Co., Ltd., Kaihatsu Koei Co., Ltd. Keystone, Co., Ltd..
In particular, the following researchers conducted us joint investigations in the field: Naomichi Miyaji (Nihon University), Mitsuhiro Yoshimoto (Mount Fuji Research Institute), Tatsuro Chiba, Yusuke Suzuki and Ken’ichi Arai (Asia Air Survey Co., Ltd.), Yasuhisa Tajima (Nippon Koei Co., Ltd.), Makoto Kobayashi (Dia Consultants Co., Ltd.), Susumu Ando (Kaihatsu Koei Co., Ltd.) .
We thank those researchers, organizations and companies.
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*English translation from the original written in Japanese.