Well Web Japanese

The Groundwater, Strain and Seismograph Display System (Well Web)

Geological Survey of Japan, AIST

This web page provides you graphs of latest data of groundwater levels, borehole strains, groundwater temperatures, and seismographs observed by the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology for the earthquake prediction research. You can also try to apply our time series analysis methods to your own data. Select from the following items.

BALLPresentation of latest data

BUTTONGroundwater level and borehole strain data

BUTTONSeismographs and hypocenter

BALL What's New

  • 2004/03/31
      The web system is moved to the new server.

  • BALL Maintenance of wells and instruments

    BALLObservation Well Network of Geological Survey of Japan, AIST

    BUTTONOverview BUTTONTokai area BUTTONKansai area BUTTONObservation wells BUTTONData

    BALLData analysis

    BUTTONBAYTAP-G/TPE/TPER/MRAR analysis to your data

    BUTTONTime series analysis to your data

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    Most material on this database is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.1 Japan License.

    Some PDFs are copyrighted ones of persons or organizations other than GSJ and are not under the CC Licence.

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