Geological Literature Search (GEOLIS) (Geological Survey of Japan / AIST)

Mineral Resource, Metallogenic Belt, Geophysical, and Tectonic Maps Published by the International Collaborative Project on the Circum-North Pacific(Russian Far East, Alaska, and the Canadian Cordillera) (poster session)(abs.)

Authors=NOKLEBERG Warren J., BUNDTZEN Thomas K., GRENINGER Mark L., KLEMPERER Simon L.KHANCHUK Alexander I., RATKIN Vladimir V., MONGER James W.H., DAWSON Kenneth M., NORTON Ian O., PARFENOV Leonid M., SHPIKERMAN Vladimir I., GORYACHEV Nikolai A.

Journal/Book_names=ITIT International Symposium Abstract, Mineral Resources and Tectonics of Northeast Asia




Publisher=Geological Survey of Japan(GSJ), Agency of Industrial Science and Technology(AIST), New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization(NEDO)


