Because many papers have been written about Aso volcano, only recent publications closely related to the contents of this map are listed here.
Crustal Dynamics Division, Geographical Survey Institute ( Hatano, S. ) ( 1976 ) Morphotectonic features in the central part of Kyusyu. Report of the Coordinating Committee for Earthquake Prediction, vol. 15, p. 165-167 (in Japanese).
Hiratsuka, S. ( 1981 ) Geological study of SE part of Aso caldera. Research student report for 1980, Kumamoto University, Faculty of Education. 20 p ( in Japanese ).
Itaya, T., Nagao, K., Nishido, H. and Ogata, K.( 1984 )K-Ar age determination of Pleistocene volcanic rocks. Jour. Geol. Soc. Japan, vol. 90, p. 899-909.
Japan Meteorological Agency ( 1984 ) National Catalogue of the Active Volcanoes in Japan. Japan Meteorological Agency, 482p ( in Japanese ).
Matsumoto, H. ( 1978 ) The 1974 activity of the Aso volcano. Kumamoto Jour. Sci., Geol., vol. 11, no. 1, p. 1-4.
Matsumoto, Y. and Matsumoto, H. ( eds. ) ( 1981 ) Aso - No.1 Caldera in the World. Tokai University Press, Tokyo, 248 p ( in Japanese ).
Momikura, Y. and Inamoto, A. ( 1979 ) Geologic Map of Northern and Eastern Foot Areas of Aso Caldera. Groundwater Survey for Agricultural Use in Takuma Plateau in Eastern Foot Development Area of Aso, Kyushu Agricultural Policy Planning Agency ( in Japanese ).
Murakami, K. ( 1979 ) Geologic study of NE part of Aso caldera. Research student report for 1978, Kumamoto University, Faculty of Education. 26 p ( in Japanese ).
Ono, H. and Hoka, T. ( 1984 ) Seismic activity near the Naka-Dake, Volcano Aso in 1981. Joint Geophysical and Geochemical Observations of Aso Volcano ( August-December, 1981 ), p. 7-16 ( in Japanese ).
Ono, K. and Watanabe, K. ( 1983 ) Aso Caldera. Chikyu Monthly, vol. 5, p. 73-82 ( in Japanese ).
Ono, K., Matsumoto, Y., Miyahisa, M., Teraoka, Y. and Kambe, N. ( 1977 ) Geology of the Taketa district. Quadrangle Series, 1:50,000, Geological Survey of Japan, 145p ( in Japanese with English abstract ).
Ono, K., Kubotera, A. and Ota, K. ( 1981 ) Aso volcano, in Field Excursion Guide to Sakurajima, Kirishima and Aso volcanoes. Volc. Soc. Japan, p. 33-52.
Ossaka, J., Hirabayashi, J. and Ozawa, T. ( 1984 ) The geochemical observation at Aso volcano. Joint Geophysical and Geochemical Observations of Aso Volcano ( August-December, 1981 ), p. 82-84 ( in Japanese ).
Sudo, Y. ( 1984 ) Activity of volcanic micro-tremors ( 1978-1982 ). Joint Geophysical and Geochemical Observations of Aso Volcano (August-December, 1981 ), p. 1-6 ( in Japanese ).
Takahashi, S. and Nagai, S. ( 1970 ) Shirakawa and Kurokawa Basins, Kumamoto Prefecture. Hydrogeological Maps of Japan No.19, Geological Survey of Japan ( in Japanese with English abstract ).
Tamura, M. and Watanabe, K. (1982) Surface Geologic Map of Kikuchi and its Explanatory Text. Basic Survey for Ground Classifications, Kumamoto Prefecture, p. 22-27 ( in Japanese ).
Tamura, M. and Watanabe, K. and Tanimura, H. ( 1983 ) Surface Geologic Map of Mifune and its Explanatory Text. Basic Survey for Ground Classifications, Kumamoto Prefecture, p. 25-34 ( in Japanese ).
Watanabe, K. ( 1972 ) Geology of the western part of Aso caldera. Memoirs of the Faculty of Education, Kumamoto University, Natural science, no. 21, Sect. 1, p. 75-85 ( in Japanese with English abstract ).
Watanabe, K. ( 1978 ) Studies on the Aso pyroclastic flow deposits in the region to the west of Aso caldera, southwest Japan, I: Geology of the Aso-4 pyroclastic flow deposits. Mem. Fac. Educ., Kumamoto Univ., no. 27, Nat. Sci., p. 97-120.
Watanabe, K. ( 1979 ) Studies on the Aso pyroclastic flow deposits in the region to the west of Aso caldera, southwest Japan, II: Petrology of the Aso-4 pyroclastic flow deposits. Mem. Fac. Educ., Kumamoto Univ., no. 28, Nat. Sci., p. 75-112.
Watanabe, K., and Katsui, Y.( 1976 )Pseudo-pillow lavas in the Aso caldera, Kyushu, Japan. Jour. Japan Assoc. Min. Pet. Econ. Geol., vol. 71, p. 44-49.