リストマーク Petrophysical Data of the Kitakami Granitic Rocks
No. Data Chart Characteristics
1 Magnetic susceptibility
Histogram of Magnetic Susceptibility
The magnetic susceptibility ranges roughly from 10-4 to 10-1 (SI) but many of them fall within the range of 10-2 to 10-1 (SI).
Average: 2.56 x 10-2 (SI)
Std. Dev: 2.84 x 10-4
2 Intensity of NRM
Histogram of NRM
The intensity of NRM ranges roughly from 10-2 to 100 (A/m) but many of them fall in the order of 10-1 (A/m).
Average: 0.47 (A/m)
Std. Dev: 1.02 (A/m)
3 Qn ratio
Histogram of Qn Ratio
Consequently, the Qn ratio is roughly less than 0.5. This means we can neglect the effect of the remanent magnetization to interpret magnetic anomalies caused by the Kitakami granitic rocks.
4 Dry density
Histogram of Dry Density
The dry density ranges from 2.60 to 3.00 (103kg/m3). Most of them fall within the range of 2.65 to 2.75 (103kg/m3) but many of them exceed 2.80 (103kg/m3).
Average: 2.77 (103kg/m3)
Std. Dev.: 0.11 (103kg/m3)
5 Wet density
Histogram of Wet Density
The wet density also ranges from 2.60 to 3.00 (103kg/m3). Most of them fall within the range of 2.65 to 2.80 (103kg/m3) but many of them exceed 2.80 (103kg/m3).
Average: 2.78 (103kg/m3)
Std. Dev.: 0.11 (103kg/m3)
6 Porosity
Histogram of Porosity
Cosequently, the porosity is no more than 1.0 (% ). Average: 0.61 (%)
Std. Dev.: 0.37 (%)
7 Variation among zones
Petrophysical data vary in some amounts among each zones. Generally, the more magnetic, the denser the specimens are. Granitic blocks, which belong to Zone IV and VI, are more magnetic and denser than the others, suggesting to a quantitative difference of mafic minerals.