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Geological Literature
Litho-stratigraphy of the Holocene strata under the reclaimed land in northern Tokyo bay and liquefaction-fluidization phenomena at the 2011 off the Pacific coast of Tohoku Earthquake: from the geological survay by continuous boring cores at Hinode, Funabashi city and at Gyotoku, Ichikawa city
KAZAOKA Osamu, UZAWA Masaaki, HIYAMA Tomoyo, OGITSU Itaru, YABUSAKI Hisashi, KAGAWA Atsushi, YOSHIDA Takeshi, KATO Akiko, HONDA Eri, OGURA Takayuki
TitleLitho-stratigraphy of the Holocene strata under the reclaimed land in northern Tokyo bay and liquefaction-fluidization phenomena at the 2011 off the Pacific coast of Tohoku Earthquake: from the geological survay by continuous boring cores at Hinode, Funabashi city and at Gyotoku, Ichikawa city
AuthorsKAZAOKA Osamu, UZAWA Masaaki, HIYAMA Tomoyo, OGITSU Itaru, YABUSAKI Hisashi, KAGAWA Atsushi, YOSHIDA Takeshi, KATO Akiko, HONDA Eri, OGURA Takayuki
Data nameProceedings of the Symposium on Geo-Environments and Geo-Technics
PublisherJapanese Society of Geo-Pollution Science, Medical Geology and Urban Geology (PMUG)
Abstract languageEN