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Geological Literature
Liqufaction-Fluidization Phenomena at downstream area of Tone River - The 2011 off the Pacific coast of Tohoku Earthquake and 1987 East off Chiba prefecture Earthquake -
FURUNO Kunio, KUSUDA Takashi, KAZAOKA Osamu, KAGAWA Atsushi, SAKAI Yutaka, YOSHIDA Takeshi, NOZAKI Shinji, KANNO Mihoko
TitleLiqufaction-Fluidization Phenomena at downstream area of Tone River - The 2011 off the Pacific coast of Tohoku Earthquake and 1987 East off Chiba prefecture Earthquake -
AuthorsFURUNO Kunio, KUSUDA Takashi, KAZAOKA Osamu, KAGAWA Atsushi, SAKAI Yutaka, YOSHIDA Takeshi, NOZAKI Shinji, KANNO Mihoko
Data nameProceedings of the Fourth International Symposium on Man-Made Strata and Geo-Pollution
PublisherJapan Branch of IUGS-GEM