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Geological Literature
Process and age of the mega mass movements on the eastern slope of Mt. Okiniwayama facing to the Oguni Basin, Yamagata Prefecture, Japan - Education for disaster prevention through the research activities in "Study of Areal Culture" class of Oguni Senior High School -
KAWABE Takayuki, TAKANASHI Satoko, TAKAHASHI Fumi, The students of the first team of "Study of areal culture" class in 2011, 2012 and 2013
TitleProcess and age of the mega mass movements on the eastern slope of Mt. Okiniwayama facing to the Oguni Basin, Yamagata Prefecture, Japan - Education for disaster prevention through the research activities in "Study of Areal Culture" class of Oguni Senior High School -
AuthorsKAWABE Takayuki, TAKANASHI Satoko, TAKAHASHI Fumi, The students of the first team of "Study of areal culture" class in 2011, 2012 and 2013
Data nameTohoku Journal of Natural Disaster Science
PublisherTohoku Research Group for Natural Disaster Science