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Geological Literature
Oxygen isotope stratigraphy for the Japan Sea during the last 1 Myr using shallow marine sediment at IODP Site U1427 (MIS17-03)(abs.)
SAGAWA Takuya, ITAKI Takuya, NAGAHASHI Yoshitaka, SATOGUCHI Yasufumi, IKEHARA Ken, IRINO Tomohisa, TADA Ryuji
TitleOxygen isotope stratigraphy for the Japan Sea during the last 1 Myr using shallow marine sediment at IODP Site U1427 (MIS17-03)(abs.)
AuthorsSAGAWA Takuya, ITAKI Takuya, NAGAHASHI Yoshitaka, SATOGUCHI Yasufumi, IKEHARA Ken, IRINO Tomohisa, TADA Ryuji
Data nameAbstracts, Japan Geoscience Union Meeting (DVD)
PublisherJapan Geoscience Union
LanguageJA, EN