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Arc-Arc Collision Structure in the Southernmost Part of the Kuril Trench Region - Overview of Results from Integrated Renalyses for Controlled Source Seismiata in the Hidaka Collision Zone - (SIT11-P01)(poster session)(abs.)
IWASAKI Takaya, TSUMURA Noriko, ITO Tanio, SATO Hiroshi, KURASHIMO Eiji, HIRATA Naoshi, ARITA Kazunori, NODA Katsuya, FUJIWARA Akira, ABE Susumu, KIKUCHI Shinsuke, SUZUKI Kazuko
TitleArc-Arc Collision Structure in the Southernmost Part of the Kuril Trench Region - Overview of Results from Integrated Renalyses for Controlled Source Seismiata in the Hidaka Collision Zone - (SIT11-P01)(poster session)(abs.)
AuthorsIWASAKI Takaya, TSUMURA Noriko, ITO Tanio, SATO Hiroshi, KURASHIMO Eiji, HIRATA Naoshi, ARITA Kazunori, NODA Katsuya, FUJIWARA Akira, ABE Susumu, KIKUCHI Shinsuke, SUZUKI Kazuko
Data nameAbstracts, Japan Geoscience Union Meeting (DVD)
PublisherJapan Geoscience Union