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Geological Literature
Traces of the 2011 Tohoku-oki tsunami as seen from the topography and geology in rias coast, Iwate Pref (MIS23-05)(abs.)
SAKAMOTO Izumi, YOKOYAMA Yuka, YAGI Masatoshi, IIJIMA Satsuki, IMURA Riichiro, NEMOTO Kenji, KITO Takeshi, FUJIMAKI Mikio, FUJIWARA Yoshihiro, KASAYA Takafumi
TitleTraces of the 2011 Tohoku-oki tsunami as seen from the topography and geology in rias coast, Iwate Pref (MIS23-05)(abs.)
AuthorsSAKAMOTO Izumi, YOKOYAMA Yuka, YAGI Masatoshi, IIJIMA Satsuki, IMURA Riichiro, NEMOTO Kenji, KITO Takeshi, FUJIMAKI Mikio, FUJIWARA Yoshihiro, KASAYA Takafumi
Data nameAbstracts, Japan Geoscience Union Meeting (DVD)
PublisherJapan Geoscience Union
LanguageJA, EN