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Geological Literature
Reports on R&D and Technical Survey Activities 3. Technical Department 4. Methane Hydrate Research & Development (1) Methane Hydrate First Offshore Production Test: Operation and Post Analysis (1)-(ii)-5 Data Analyses of the First Offshore Production Test: Well Logging in Abandonment Operations
TAKAYAMA Tokujiro, FUJII Tetsuya, SUZUKI Kiyofumi
TitleReports on R&D and Technical Survey Activities 3. Technical Department 4. Methane Hydrate Research & Development (1) Methane Hydrate First Offshore Production Test: Operation and Post Analysis (1)-(ii)-5 Data Analyses of the First Offshore Production Test: Well Logging in Abandonment Operations
AuthorsTAKAYAMA Tokujiro, FUJII Tetsuya, SUZUKI Kiyofumi
Data nameJOGMEC Oil & Gas Technical Activity Report, April 2013-March 2014
PublisherOil & Gas Upstream Technology Unit, Japan Oil, Gas and Metals National Corporation (JOGMEC)