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Three-dimensional magmatic volatile flux into the groundwater system around Kutcharo caldera, NE Hokkaido, Japan, based on measurements of helium isotopes in groundwater(1A-P23)(poster session)(abs.)
OHWADA Michiko, KAZAHAYA Kohei, MORIKAWA Noritoshi, YASUHARA Masaya, TAKAHASHI Hiroshi A., TAKAHASHI Masaaki, I INAMURA Akihiko, OYAMA Yoichi, TSUKAMOTO Hitoshi, ITOH Jun'ichi
TitleThree-dimensional magmatic volatile flux into the groundwater system around Kutcharo caldera, NE Hokkaido, Japan, based on measurements of helium isotopes in groundwater(1A-P23)(poster session)(abs.)
AuthorsOHWADA Michiko, KAZAHAYA Kohei, MORIKAWA Noritoshi, YASUHARA Masaya, TAKAHASHI Hiroshi A., TAKAHASHI Masaaki, I INAMURA Akihiko, OYAMA Yoichi, TSUKAMOTO Hitoshi, ITOH Jun'ichi
Data nameIAVCEI 2013 Scientific Assembly July 20-24, Kagoshima, Japan, Forecasting Volcanic Activity - Reading and translating the messages of nature for society
PublisherIAVCEI (International Association of Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth's Interior)