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Geological Literature
Changes in lattice parameters of filled ice Ih structure of methane hydrate under high pressure(SMP48-P03)(poster session)(abs.)
TANAKA Takehiko, HIRAI Hisako, YAGI Takehiko, OHISHI Yasuo, MATSUOKA Takehiro, YAMAMOTO Yoshitaka, OHTAKE Michika
TitleChanges in lattice parameters of filled ice Ih structure of methane hydrate under high pressure(SMP48-P03)(poster session)(abs.)
AuthorsTANAKA Takehiko, HIRAI Hisako, YAGI Takehiko, OHISHI Yasuo, MATSUOKA Takehiro, YAMAMOTO Yoshitaka, OHTAKE Michika
Data nameAbstracts, Japan Geoscience Union Meeting(CD-ROM)
PublisherJapan Geoscience Union
LanguageJA, EN