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Geological Literature
Study on the systematic preliminary investigation for high level radioactive waste management - Construction of survey and estimation flow diagram and R&D on element technologies -
KIHO Kenzo, SHIN Koichi, KONDO Hirofumi, TANAKA Yasuharu, HATAYA Ryuta, UETA Keiichi, HASEGAWA Takuma
TitleStudy on the systematic preliminary investigation for high level radioactive waste management - Construction of survey and estimation flow diagram and R&D on element technologies -
AuthorsKIHO Kenzo, SHIN Koichi, KONDO Hirofumi, TANAKA Yasuharu, HATAYA Ryuta, UETA Keiichi, HASEGAWA Takuma
Data nameCRIEPI Report
Pageiv, 120
PublisherCentral Research Institute of Electric Power Industry
Abstract languageEN