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Geological Literature
What we Learned from Historical Earthquake Research on the Eastern Margin of Japan Sea -1833 Tenpo off-Shonai EQ -(SCG088-07)(abs.)
MATSU'URA Ritsuko S., IWASA Koji, DEMACHI Tomotsugu, FURUMURA Mitsuko, SEKINE Mayumi, SUZUKI Yasunori
TitleWhat we Learned from Historical Earthquake Research on the Eastern Margin of Japan Sea -1833 Tenpo off-Shonai EQ -(SCG088-07)(abs.)
AuthorsMATSU'URA Ritsuko S., IWASA Koji, DEMACHI Tomotsugu, FURUMURA Mitsuko, SEKINE Mayumi, SUZUKI Yasunori
Data nameAbstracts, Japan Geoscience Union Meeting (CD-ROM)
PublisherJapan Geoscience Union
LanguageJA, EN