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Recent 1 m.y. crustal movements off the Tokyo Bay-side coast of the southern part of the Boso Peninsula(S221-P012)(poster session)(abs.)
FURUYA Hiroshi, HASHIMA Akinori, TSUMURA Noriko, SATO Toshinori, MIYAUCHI Takahiro, KAMEO Koji, ITO Makoto, ITO Tanio, HIRATA Naoshi, SATO Hiroshi, ARAI Ryoyu, YAMAMOTO Shuji, ABE Shintaro
TitleRecent 1 m.y. crustal movements off the Tokyo Bay-side coast of the southern part of the Boso Peninsula(S221-P012)(poster session)(abs.)
AuthorsFURUYA Hiroshi, HASHIMA Akinori, TSUMURA Noriko, SATO Toshinori, MIYAUCHI Takahiro, KAMEO Koji, ITO Makoto, ITO Tanio, HIRATA Naoshi, SATO Hiroshi, ARAI Ryoyu, YAMAMOTO Shuji, ABE Shintaro
Data nameAbstracts, Japan Geoscience Union Meeting (CD-ROM)
PublisherJapan Geoscience Union
LanguageJA, EN