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CCP stacking and prestack migration of teleseismic P-SV converted wave : An application to receiver functions with dense seismic arrays for deep crustal structure across the Itoigawa-Shizuoka tectonic line, Centra Japan (poster session)(abs.)
ABE Susumu, KURASHIMO Eiji, SATO Hiroshi, HIRATA Naoshi, KAWANAKA Taku
TitleCCP stacking and prestack migration of teleseismic P-SV converted wave : An application to receiver functions with dense seismic arrays for deep crustal structure across the Itoigawa-Shizuoka tectonic line, Centra Japan (poster session)(abs.)
AuthorsABE Susumu, KURASHIMO Eiji, SATO Hiroshi, HIRATA Naoshi, KAWANAKA Taku
Data nameSecond International Symposium on Slip and Flow Processes in and below the Seismogenic Region
PublisherCommittee for the Second International Symposium on Slip and Flow Processes in and below the Seismogenic Region
Abstract languageEN