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Geological Literature
High time-resolution analysis of dust in the Dome Fuji deep ice core, Antarctica: A relationship between dust and calcium ion(W155-004)(abs.)
MIYAKE Takayuki, IIZUKA Yoshinori, TATENUMA Takuya, SANO Kiyofumi, UEMURA Ryu, HONDOH Takeo, FUJII Yoshiyuki
TitleHigh time-resolution analysis of dust in the Dome Fuji deep ice core, Antarctica: A relationship between dust and calcium ion(W155-004)(abs.)
AuthorsMIYAKE Takayuki, IIZUKA Yoshinori, TATENUMA Takuya, SANO Kiyofumi, UEMURA Ryu, HONDOH Takeo, FUJII Yoshiyuki
Data nameAbstracts, Japan Geoscience Union Meeting (CD-ROM)
PublisherJapan Geoscience Union
LanguageJA, EN