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A Study of the Generation Model of Tsunami Caused by a Collapse of Volcanic Island - A Case of the 1741 Oshima-Oshima Tsunami - (JSS07/09P/A02-004)(abs.)
KAWAMATA Kei, TAKAOKA Kazuaki, BAN Kazuhiko, IMAMURA Fumihiko, YAMAKI Shigeru, KOBAYASHI Eiji
TitleA Study of the Generation Model of Tsunami Caused by a Collapse of Volcanic Island - A Case of the 1741 Oshima-Oshima Tsunami - (JSS07/09P/A02-004)(abs.)
AuthorsKAWAMATA Kei, TAKAOKA Kazuaki, BAN Kazuhiko, IMAMURA Fumihiko, YAMAKI Shigeru, KOBAYASHI Eiji
Data nameIUGG2003 Abstracts Week B
PublisherInternational Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG)