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Subduction and Melting of Back-Arc Basin Beneath NE Japan Arc: Evidence From Adakitic Rocks of Latest Quaternary Volcanoes in the Back-Arc Side (V06/01P/D-001)(poster session)(abs.)
NAKAGAWA Mitsuhiro, SEINO Tomoko, ISHIZUKA Yoshihiro
TitleSubduction and Melting of Back-Arc Basin Beneath NE Japan Arc: Evidence From Adakitic Rocks of Latest Quaternary Volcanoes in the Back-Arc Side (V06/01P/D-001)(poster session)(abs.)
AuthorsNAKAGAWA Mitsuhiro, SEINO Tomoko, ISHIZUKA Yoshihiro
Data nameIUGG2003 Abstracts Week A
PublisherInternational Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG)