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Geological Literature
WOVOdat: The World Organization of Volcano Observatories Database of Volcanic Unrest(12-O-09)(abs.)
SCHWANDNER Florian M., SELVA Jacopo, UEDA Hideki, VENEZKY Dina Y., CERVELLI Daniel P., WEERTMAN Bruce, STROKER Kelly, MALONE Stephen D., FUJITA Eisuke, MARZOCCHI Warner, SCHILLING Steven P., NEWHALL Christopher G.
TitleWOVOdat: The World Organization of Volcano Observatories Database of Volcanic Unrest(12-O-09)(abs.)
AuthorsSCHWANDNER Florian M., SELVA Jacopo, UEDA Hideki, VENEZKY Dina Y., CERVELLI Daniel P., WEERTMAN Bruce, STROKER Kelly, MALONE Stephen D., FUJITA Eisuke, MARZOCCHI Warner, SCHILLING Steven P., NEWHALL Christopher G.
Data nameAbstracts Volume; Cities on Volcanoes 5 Conference - Shimabara, Japan -
PublisherVolcanological Society of Japan, (International Association of Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth's Interior (IAVCEI))