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Geological Literature
Geomicrobiological characterizations of tertiary sedimentary rocks obtained during an aseptic and deoxygenated drilling program(G121-P015)(poster session)(abs.)
SUZUKI Yohey, SUKO Takeshi, ITO Kazumasa, TSUNOGAI Urumu, NAGAO Seiya, YAMAMOTO Masanobu, NANBA Kenji, TAKENO Naoto
TitleGeomicrobiological characterizations of tertiary sedimentary rocks obtained during an aseptic and deoxygenated drilling program(G121-P015)(poster session)(abs.)
AuthorsSUZUKI Yohey, SUKO Takeshi, ITO Kazumasa, TSUNOGAI Urumu, NAGAO Seiya, YAMAMOTO Masanobu, NANBA Kenji, TAKENO Naoto
Data nameAbstracts, Japan Geoscience Union Meeting (CD-ROM)
PublisherJapan Geoscience Union
LanguageJA, EN