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Geological Literature
Trapped Waves along the Nojima Fault from the Aftershock of Kobe Earthquake, 1995
ITO Hisao, KUWAHARA Yasuto
TitleTrapped Waves along the Nojima Fault from the Aftershock of Kobe Earthquake, 1995
AuthorsITO Hisao, KUWAHARA Yasuto
Data nameProceedings 8th International Symposium on the Observation of the Continental Crust Through Drilling, Tsukuba, Japan Feb.26-28, 1996(Symposium) Feb.29-Mar.2, 1996(Excursion)
PublisherNational Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Prevention(NIED), Science and Technology Agency(STA), Geological Survey of Japan(GSJ), Agency of Industrial Science and Technology(AIST)