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Geological Literature
Search for Antarctic Meteorites on the Bare Ice Field around Sor Rondane Mountains by JARE-29 Asuka Party in 1987-1988 Field Season(abs.)
Meteorites team of the 29th JARE, YANAI K., NARAOKA H., FUJITA S., KAMI K., KAWAUCHI M., SHIMODA Y.
TitleSearch for Antarctic Meteorites on the Bare Ice Field around Sor Rondane Mountains by JARE-29 Asuka Party in 1987-1988 Field Season(abs.)
AuthorsMeteorites team of the 29th JARE, YANAI K., NARAOKA H., FUJITA S., KAMI K., KAWAUCHI M., SHIMODA Y.
Data namePapers presented to the Thirteenth Symposium on Antarctic Meteorites
PublisherNational Institute of Polar Research