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Geological Literature
Whole fault zone architecture and its relation to thin slip layer activated by 1995 Kobe earthquake detected at 1140 m depth in the drilled core penetrating the Nojima fault (C038)(abs.)
TANAKA Hidemi, URATA Noriko, MATSUDA Tatsuo, OMURA Kentaro
TitleWhole fault zone architecture and its relation to thin slip layer activated by 1995 Kobe earthquake detected at 1140 m depth in the drilled core penetrating the Nojima fault (C038)(abs.)
AuthorsTANAKA Hidemi, URATA Noriko, MATSUDA Tatsuo, OMURA Kentaro
Data nameProgramme and Abstracts, the Seismological Society of Japan, Fall Meeting
PublisherSeismological Society of Japan