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Geological Literature
Crustal deformation in western Shikoku, southwest Japan and its implications to slip distribution along the Median Tectonic Line (D007-012) (abs.)
TABEI Takao, OGIHARA Fumie, KATO Teruyuki, MIYAZAKI Shinichi, MATSUSHIMA Takeshi, KANAYAMA Seiichi, KATO Sayomasa, IKEDA Michiharu, OHNO Yuki, NISHIZAKA Naoki
TitleCrustal deformation in western Shikoku, southwest Japan and its implications to slip distribution along the Median Tectonic Line (D007-012) (abs.)
AuthorsTABEI Takao, OGIHARA Fumie, KATO Teruyuki, MIYAZAKI Shinichi, MATSUSHIMA Takeshi, KANAYAMA Seiichi, KATO Sayomasa, IKEDA Michiharu, OHNO Yuki, NISHIZAKA Naoki
Data nameAbstracts, 2004 Japan Earth and Planetary Science Joint Meeting (CD-ROM)
PublisherOceanographic Society of Japan! Volcanological Society of Japan! Japanese Association of Mineralogists, Petrologists and Economic Geologists! Meteorological Society of Japan! Mineralogical Society of Japan! et al.
LanguageJA, EN