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Geological Literature
Environmental change of Lake Hataya-Ohnuma viewed from the grain size, total organic carbon and total nitrogen of the cored sediments, west to Yamagata City, Japan
KUMON Fujio, OHTOMO Hiroto
TitleEnvironmental change of Lake Hataya-Ohnuma viewed from the grain size, total organic carbon and total nitrogen of the cored sediments, west to Yamagata City, Japan
AuthorsKUMON Fujio, OHTOMO Hiroto
Data nameSedimentary organic matter analysis for the studies of sea-level and climatic changes in estuary and nearshore environments, Report for Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)(2) in 2001-2002, Project No: 13440146
PublisherHOYANAGI Koichi(Shinshu University)
Abstract languageJA