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Attenuation of seismic waves in South African gold mines and its effects to scaling of small earthquakes(P024)(poster session)(abs.)
IDE Satoshi, OGASAWARA Hiroshi, IIO Yoshihisa, YAMADA Takuji, Research Group for Semi-Controlled Earthquake-Generation Experiments in Deep South African Gold Mines
TitleAttenuation of seismic waves in South African gold mines and its effects to scaling of small earthquakes(P024)(poster session)(abs.)
AuthorsIDE Satoshi, OGASAWARA Hiroshi, IIO Yoshihisa, YAMADA Takuji, Research Group for Semi-Controlled Earthquake-Generation Experiments in Deep South African Gold Mines
Data nameProgramme and Abstracts, the Seismological Society of Japan, Fall Meeting
PublisherSeismological Society of Japan
Abstract languageEN