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Geological Literature
Behavior of strain change just before strain step of the order of 10-4 associated with mine tremor in a gold mine, South Africa(A047)(abs.)
TAKEUCHI Junichi, OGASAWARA Hiroshi, ISHII Hiroshi, NAKAO Shigeru, ANDO Masataka, ASWEGEN Gerri Van, MENDECKI Alex, EBRAHIM-TROLLOPE Shana, CICHOWICA Artur, MOUNTFORT Peter, IDE Satoshi, Research Group for Semi-controlled Earthquake-generation Experiments in South African Deep Gold Mines
TitleBehavior of strain change just before strain step of the order of 10-4 associated with mine tremor in a gold mine, South Africa(A047)(abs.)
AuthorsTAKEUCHI Junichi, OGASAWARA Hiroshi, ISHII Hiroshi, NAKAO Shigeru, ANDO Masataka, ASWEGEN Gerri Van, MENDECKI Alex, EBRAHIM-TROLLOPE Shana, CICHOWICA Artur, MOUNTFORT Peter, IDE Satoshi, Research Group for Semi-controlled Earthquake-generation Experiments in South African Deep Gold Mines
Data nameProgramme and Abstracts, the Seismological Society of Japan, Fall Meeting
PublisherSeismological Society of Japan