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Geological Literature
Geotectonic Map of East and Southeast Asia: Sheets 1,2,3 and 8 - Second Product of the CCOP-CPCEMR Geotectonic Map Project -
Working Group for Compilation of the Geotectonic Map, SATO Tadashi, HONZA Eiichi, OKUMURA Kimio, CHOI Hyen-Il, CHUAVIROJ Saeganthit, FENG Zhiqiang, KHOO Hang Peng, SIMANDJUNTAK Tohap O., TRAN Van Tri, WAKITA Koji, YUMUL Graciano P.Jr.
TitleGeotectonic Map of East and Southeast Asia: Sheets 1,2,3 and 8 - Second Product of the CCOP-CPCEMR Geotectonic Map Project -
AuthorsWorking Group for Compilation of the Geotectonic Map, SATO Tadashi, HONZA Eiichi, OKUMURA Kimio, CHOI Hyen-Il, CHUAVIROJ Saeganthit, FENG Zhiqiang, KHOO Hang Peng, SIMANDJUNTAK Tohap O., TRAN Van Tri, WAKITA Koji, YUMUL Graciano P.Jr.
Data nameCCOP Technical Bulletin
Page13, 13, 4, 1 CD-ROM
PublisherGeological Survey of Japan, AIST, Coordinating Committee for Coastal and Offshore Geoscience Programmes in East and Southeast Asia (CCOP)
Abstract languageEN