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Geological Literature
Depths of the mantle discontinuities beneath the Philippine Sea as inferred from a receiver function analysis of data from the long-term broadband ocean bottom seismic observation network (B08) (abs.)
SUETSUGU Daisuke, SHIOBARA Hajime, SUGIOKA Hiroko, KODAIRA Shuichi, FUKAO Yoshio, MOCHIZUKI Kimihiro, KANAZAWA Toshihiko, HINO Ryota, SAITA Tomoharu
TitleDepths of the mantle discontinuities beneath the Philippine Sea as inferred from a receiver function analysis of data from the long-term broadband ocean bottom seismic observation network (B08) (abs.)
AuthorsSUETSUGU Daisuke, SHIOBARA Hajime, SUGIOKA Hiroko, KODAIRA Shuichi, FUKAO Yoshio, MOCHIZUKI Kimihiro, KANAZAWA Toshihiko, HINO Ryota, SAITA Tomoharu
Data nameProgramme and Abstracts, the Seismological Society of Japan, Fall Meeting
PublisherSeismological Society of Japan
Abstract languageEN