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Test observation of the Jovian synchrotron radiation by the newly developed radio telescope at the Iitate observatory (J065-006) (abs.)
TSUCHIYA Fuminori, MISAWA Hiroaki, MIYOSHI Yoshizumi, WATANABE Takuo, KUDOU Riichi, MORIOKA Akira, KONDO Tetsuro
TitleTest observation of the Jovian synchrotron radiation by the newly developed radio telescope at the Iitate observatory (J065-006) (abs.)
AuthorsTSUCHIYA Fuminori, MISAWA Hiroaki, MIYOSHI Yoshizumi, WATANABE Takuo, KUDOU Riichi, MORIOKA Akira, KONDO Tetsuro
Data nameAbstracts, 2002 Japan Earth and Planetary Science Joint Meeting (CD-ROM)
PublisherOceanographic Society of Japan! Volcanological Society of Japan! Japanese Association of Mineralogists, Petrologists and Economic Geologists! Meteorological Society of Japan! Mineralogical Society of Japan! et al.