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Geological Literature
Research on the modeling of earthquake generation mechanism and development of observation technique for mitigating disaster by great earthquake along the Nankai trough - Research on the occurrence of earthquakes in the past -
石川 有三, 青木 元, 干場 充之, 吉田 康宏, 橋本 徹夫, 中村 浩二, 谷岡 勇市郎, 原田 智史
TitleResearch on the modeling of earthquake generation mechanism and development of observation technique for mitigating disaster by great earthquake along the Nankai trough - Research on the occurrence of earthquakes in the past -
AuthorsJ石川 有三, 青木 元, 干場 充之, 吉田 康宏, 橋本 徹夫, 中村 浩二, 谷岡 勇市郎, 原田 智史
Data nameAnnual Research Report, Meteorological Research Institute, 2000
PublisherMeteorological Research Institute