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Geological Literature
Location of a scatterer in and around the source region of the 2000 western Tottori earthquake by a semblance analysis (S3-017) (abs.)
MIZUNO Takashi, NISHIGAMI Kin'ya, TADOKORO Keiichi, KANO Yasuyuki, SATO Kazutoshi
TitleLocation of a scatterer in and around the source region of the 2000 western Tottori earthquake by a semblance analysis (S3-017) (abs.)
AuthorsMIZUNO Takashi, NISHIGAMI Kin'ya, TADOKORO Keiichi, KANO Yasuyuki, SATO Kazutoshi
Data nameAbstracts, 2001 Japan Earth and Planetary Science Joint Meeting (CD-ROM)
PublisherOceanographic Society of Japan! Volcanological Society of Japan! Japanese Association of Mineralogists, Petrologists and Economic Geologists! Meteorological Society of Japan! Mineralogical Society of Japan! et al.
LanguageJA, EN