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Geological Literature
Harmful Dinoflagellate Cysts Found in Surafce Sediments and a Core Sample Collected Offshore from the Changjiang River Mouth, China (abs.)
MATSUOKA Kazumi, SAITO Yoshiki, KATAYAMA Hajime, KANAI Yutaka, CHEN Jianfang, ZHOU Huaiyang
TitleHarmful Dinoflagellate Cysts Found in Surafce Sediments and a Core Sample Collected Offshore from the Changjiang River Mouth, China (abs.)
AuthorsMATSUOKA Kazumi, SAITO Yoshiki, KATAYAMA Hajime, KANAI Yutaka, CHEN Jianfang, ZHOU Huaiyang
Data nameInternational Workshop on Deltas: their Dynamics, Facies and Sequences with special references to sea-level changes and human impacts - Geological Survey Seminar no.267 -
PublisherGeological Survey of Japan / Active Geological Process Panel of the Geological Society of Japan / Research Group on Coastal Environment and Morphodynamics of the Association of Japanese Geographers