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Geological Literature
Lower crustal granulite facies metamorphism and generation of S-type granitic magma, in the Uetsu area, northern Japan (poster session) (abs.)
KAWAI Toshiko, SHIMURA Toshiaki, KAGASHIMA Shin-ichi
TitleLower crustal granulite facies metamorphism and generation of S-type granitic magma, in the Uetsu area, northern Japan (poster session) (abs.)
AuthorsKAWAI Toshiko, SHIMURA Toshiaki, KAGASHIMA Shin-ichi
Data nameAbstracts, Japan Earth and Planetary Science Joint Meeting (CD-ROM)
PublisherVolcanological Society of Japan / Japanese Association of Mineralogists, Petrologists and Economic Geologists / Meteorological Society of Japan / Mineralogical Society of Japan / Society of Resource Geology
LanguageJA, EN