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Geological Literature
Proton aurora observation in the cusp and cleft region with a monochromatic all-sky imager - CAPER campaign - (poster session) (abs.)
YOSHIDA Naofumi, TAKAHASHI Yukihiro, FUKUNISHI Hiroshi, FUJII Ryoichi, NOZAWA Satonori, KINTNER Paul M., DEEHR Charles S., SMITH Roger W., LORENTZEN Dag A.
TitleProton aurora observation in the cusp and cleft region with a monochromatic all-sky imager - CAPER campaign - (poster session) (abs.)
AuthorsYOSHIDA Naofumi, TAKAHASHI Yukihiro, FUKUNISHI Hiroshi, FUJII Ryoichi, NOZAWA Satonori, KINTNER Paul M., DEEHR Charles S., SMITH Roger W., LORENTZEN Dag A.
Data nameAbstracts, Japan Earth and Planetary Science Joint Meeting (CD-ROM)
PublisherVolcanological Society of Japan / Japanese Association of Mineralogists, Petrologists and Economic Geologists / Meteorological Society of Japan / Mineralogical Society of Japan / Society of Resource Geology
LanguageJA, EN