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Geological Literature
Carbon and nitrogen isotopic characterization of sedimentary organic matter in a boring core form the Changjiang estuary
KURAMOTO Toshikatsu, MINAGAWA Masao, SAITO Yoshiki, ZHAO Quanhong, CHENG Xinrong, WANG Pinxian
TitleCarbon and nitrogen isotopic characterization of sedimentary organic matter in a boring core form the Changjiang estuary
AuthorsKURAMOTO Toshikatsu, MINAGAWA Masao, SAITO Yoshiki, ZHAO Quanhong, CHENG Xinrong, WANG Pinxian
Data nameLand-Sea Link in Asia - Prof. Kenneth O. Emery Commemorative International Workshop - / Proceedings of an international workshop on sediment transport and storage in coastal sea-ocean system, Tsukuba, Japan, March 15-19, 1999
PublisherScience and Technology Agency of Japan (JISTEC,STA) / Geological Survey of Japan (GSJ) / International Geological Correlation Programme (IGCP)-396 - Continental Shelves in the Quaternary -
Abstract languageEN