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Geological Literature
Sedimentary Structures in the Chilas Igneous Complex of the Kohistan arc, Northern Pakistan
SAWADA Yoshihiro, KAUSAR Allah B., KUBO Kazuya, TAKAHASHI Yuhei, TAKAHASHI Yutaka
TitleSedimentary Structures in the Chilas Igneous Complex of the Kohistan arc, Northern Pakistan
AuthorsSAWADA Yoshihiro, KAUSAR Allah B., KUBO Kazuya, TAKAHASHI Yuhei, TAKAHASHI Yutaka
Data nameProceedings of Geoscience Colloquium, Geoscience Laboratory, Geological Survey of Pakistan, Islamabad / Geology, Geochemistry, Economic Geology and Rock Magnetism of the Kohistan Arc
Numspecial issue
PublisherGeoscience Laboratory Project, Technical Cooperation / Geological Survey of Pakistan / Japan International Cooperation Agency
Abstract languageEN