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Geological Literature
Material Evolution of the Solar Nebula: - possible consequences of global dust circulation due to bipolar flow and irradiation of enhanced cosmic rays - (abs.)
KURAMOTO Kiyoshi, YURIMOTO Hisayoshi, KITAKAMI Kyoko, OKUCHI Takuo, YOSHIDA Takashi, HIRATA Takafumi
TitleMaterial Evolution of the Solar Nebula: - possible consequences of global dust circulation due to bipolar flow and irradiation of enhanced cosmic rays - (abs.)
AuthorsKURAMOTO Kiyoshi, YURIMOTO Hisayoshi, KITAKAMI Kyoko, OKUCHI Takuo, YOSHIDA Takashi, HIRATA Takafumi
Data nameAbstracts, Japan Earth and Planetary Science Joint Meeting
PublisherSeismological Society of Japan, Volcanological Society of Japan, Geodetic Society of Japan, Geochemical Society of Japan, Japan Society for Planetary Science, Japanese Association of Mineralogists, Petrologist and Economic Geologists, Society of Geomagnetism and Earth, Planetary and Space Sciences, Mineralogical Society of Japan, Society of Resource Geology, Japan Association for Quaternary Research
Abstract languageEN