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Geological Literature
Mid-Atlantic Ridge 1. Introduction and Explanatory Notes
DETRICK Robert S., HONNOREZ Jose, ADAMSON Andrew C., BRASS Garrett W., GILLIS Kathryn M., HUMPHRIS Susan E., MEVEL Catherine, MEYER Peter S., PETERSON Nekolai, RAUTENSCHLEIN Martina, SHIBATA Tsujio, STAUDIGEL Hubert, WOOLDRIDGE Anita L., YAMAMOTO Kiyohiko, BRYAN Wilfred B., JUTEAU Thierry, ADAMSON Andrew C., AUTIO Laurie K., BECKER Keir, BINA Mansour M., EISSEN Jean-Philippe, FUJII Tshitsugu, GROVE Timothy L., HAMANO Yozo, HEBERT Rejean, KOMOR Stephen C., KOPIETZ Johannes, KRAMMER Kristian, LOUBET Michel, MOOS Daniel, RICHARDS Hugh G.
TitleMid-Atlantic Ridge 1. Introduction and Explanatory Notes
AuthorsDETRICK Robert S., HONNOREZ Jose, ADAMSON Andrew C., BRASS Garrett W., GILLIS Kathryn M., HUMPHRIS Susan E., MEVEL Catherine, MEYER Peter S., PETERSON Nekolai, RAUTENSCHLEIN Martina, SHIBATA Tsujio, STAUDIGEL Hubert, WOOLDRIDGE Anita L., YAMAMOTO Kiyohiko, BRYAN Wilfred B., JUTEAU Thierry, ADAMSON Andrew C., AUTIO Laurie K., BECKER Keir, BINA Mansour M., EISSEN Jean-Philippe, FUJII Tshitsugu, GROVE Timothy L., HAMANO Yozo, HEBERT Rejean, KOMOR Stephen C., KOPIETZ Johannes, KRAMMER Kristian, LOUBET Michel, MOOS Daniel, RICHARDS Hugh G.
Data nameProceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Part A-Initial Reports
PublisherNational Science Foundation / Joint Oceanographic Institutions